VT Readability 2.3 released to cloud customers

VT Readability version 2.3 is now available to all cloud customers. This release includes updates to core VT Readability features as well as the VT Insights dashboards.
Eoin Wren

VP Engineering

< 1 min read

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Major highlights in this release include:

  • Support for Teams in Readability and Insights
  • Support for language specific watchwords
  • The ability to name and save views and filters in VT Insights
  • The ability to configure a custom session timeout for your account

Support for Teams

This release brings support for Teams. Teams allows you to assign users assigned to teams within your organization. You can track usage and quality improvement by individual teams and compare with other teams when viewed in Insights.

Language Specific Watchwords

With VT Readability 2.3 you have the option of configuring your watchwords to apply to specific languages only.

For example, if you write content in both English and French. You may have defined “payer” as a watchword, but only wish to flag it as an issue in content written in English.

VT Readability detects the language of any content it analyzes. So once you configure the watchword “payer” to apply to English only, the system will only search for that watchword in content that is in English.

Saved Views in VT Insights

You can now name and save your filters in VT Insights.

As an example, consider the Users Over Time view. Change the search criteria to display all usage for the previous 3 Months, broken down by week. You can save this view and give it a name that is easy to remember.

We display your saved views in the Insights Dashboard home page.

Custom Session Timeout

This release of Readability allows Admin users specify a custom session timeout for users in their account.

This setting can be access via the ‘System Settings’ menu.


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