VT Docs 5.0 Now Available For On-Prem Customers

VT Docs 5.0 is now available to install for on-prem customers. We would like to thank our customers for contributing their ideas and feedback to this release.
Jason O'Connell
3 min read

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VT Docs 5.0 is now available for on-premise customers. This release contains numerous improvements, and fixes, as well as some features specific to on-premise customers.

We released some of these new features to cloud users over the last couple of months, so if you’re a cloud user, you may have seen some of them already.

This release includes:

  • Detect Auto-Numbering in Word documents
  • Backup and Restore all dictionaries
  • Workspaces (on-premise customers only)
  • Support deployment on Windows (on-premise customers only)

Detect Auto-Numbering in Word documents

As an MS Word user, you’ll have noticed its ability to auto-number headings and numbered lists.
For example, here’s the option in MS Word to auto-number a list:

Up to now, VT Docs did not detect auto-numbered headings or lists. With this release, we fully support auto-numbering in headings, lists and tables. We also output these auto-numbers in our Excel reports and shreds.

We have also modified how we treat bulleted lists. Any content in a bulleted list will appear in a similar format in the shred produced by VT Docs.

To show how this works, have a look at the document snippet below. It shows auto-numbered headings, lists and bullet points.

And here’s how the shred looks with VT Docs detecting the auto-numbers!

You can see the auto-numbered headings B.5 and B.6 coming out, whereas in prior versions these heading numbers would not appear.


  • Auto-numbering detection will apply automatically when you upload new Word documents, but does not apply to Word documents already in VT Docs.


Backup and Restore all dictionaries

VT Docs search dictionaries allow you to search for specific terminology. For example, you might want to create a risk dictionary containing terms like “indemnification”, “conflict of interest” or “ITAR”.

This release introduces the ability to backup all dictionaries from a given workspace with one-click. Your dictionaries will be downloaded in a single zip file to your computer.

This provides an easy mechanism to backup or move your set of dictionaries to another environment. We have also added the ability to restore a set of dictionaries backed up from one environment into another environment.

Introducing Workspaces (on-premise customers only)

With VT Docs 5.0, we have renamed ‘Sandboxes’ to ‘Workspaces’. Workspaces provide logically separated areas for groups of users to share documents, dictionaries and work together.

They are perfect for teams working together on proposals, or documents related to a specific customer. But often different teams will want their own workspace. For example, a Proposal team might be in one workspace, a compliance & legal team might be in another one.

Up to now, a user could only be a member of one and only one workspace (formerly sandbox).

VT Docs 5.0 now gives users access to multiple workspaces, if they are given permission. If a user can access more than one workspace, they can choose the workspace to sign into and switch workspaces once signed in. We have redesigned the system administration portal (formerly called Sandbox Admin), allowing admins to easily assign users to workspaces.

These new capabilities give organizations great flexibility and control over who has access to what logical workspaces. For example, if I’m a member of both the “Engineering”, “Management” and “Customer Service” workspaces, then I can switch between all three seamlessly.

Support deployment on Windows (on-premise customers only)

On-premise customers now have the option of installing VT Docs on Windows. We added this support based on a high volume of requests from customers. This gives an alternative to our current Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux based deployments, and is a good option if you need to deploy into a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF). Or if you’re IT team supports Windows.


If you would like more information about this release, check out the complete Release Notes here.

We hope you enjoy these improvements.

Thank you from all in the VisibleThread Engineering Team.


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