The OASIS+ RFP Unveiled

We unveil all the in and outs of the Oasis+ RFP. Allow us to guide you through the RFP updates and equip you for success in this game-changing opportunity worth a staggering $60 billion!
Micheál McGrath

VP of Marketing & Business Development

3 min read

The General Services Administration (GSA) has unveiled the final Request for Proposals (RFP) for the highly anticipated Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) – OASIS+. Allow us to guide you through the updates and equip you for success in this game-changing opportunity worth a staggering $60 billion!

Understanding the OASIS+ RFP

As you know, the OASIS+ contract offers federal agencies a versatile and innovative solution for their complex professional services requirements. The RFP encompasses a broad spectrum of professional services, ranging from Management Consulting and Program Management to Engineering, Scientific, Logistics, and Financial Services. It is available in both unrestricted and small business pools.

Stay Updated with Our Consolidated Resource

To keep you informed and prepared, we’ve created a comprehensive resource that covers everything you need to know about OASIS+. We will continuously update this blog with compliance matrices and compare reports of the RFP, ensuring you have the latest information at your fingertips. Bookmark this page and return often for fresh insights.

Below you can find the recently updated July starter compliance matrix and the compare reports for both the unrestricted and small business RFPs (Request for Proposals) recently updated and compared this to the previous June updated RFPs using VT Docs.

Timelines and Deadlines

Mark your calendars! Proposals are due on September 13, 2023. The submission portal, Symphony, is gradually opening and is set to be fully operational by July 15. If you have not registered yet, you can do so on the Symphony portal.

We wanted to save you time, so we created free compliance matrices and compared the updated RFP releases with the previous versions for both the unrestricted and small business (47QRCA23R0001 and 47QRCA23R0006). You can download these for free below.

July Starter Compliance Matrix update

We took the July updated RFPs. We converted the RFP PDFs to Word with Adobe Acrobat and ran a shred/burst on the RFP Word docs using VT Docs.

Download the compliance matrices here –

June to July Compare Report Updates

Updated in June and compared this to the just-released July updated RFPs using VT Docs.

You can download these here –

March to June Compare Report Updates

We took the draft RFPs released in January and compared these to the March updated RFPs

Initial Draft RFP Compliance Matrix

Download the original draft RFP Starter Compliance Matrices here – 

June to July: Key Updates Unveiled

Between the second draft RFP and the final RFP (now including Amendment 0001), several crucial changes have taken place:

  • Project Types: Great news! OTAs are once again allowed as qualifying project types, after a brief disappearance in the second draft RFP. (For More Information See: RFP Section L.5.2.1)
  • Scorecard (for Protégés): The threshold requirement for Protégé projects has been adjusted realistically to reflect a more approachable monetary scale. (For More Information See: Attachment J.P-1+OASIS+Plus+Domain+Qualifications+Matrix+and+Scorecards+(Amd+0001))
    *protégé” refers to a small business that is partnered with a larger, more experienced business.
  • Price/Cost: Pay attention, all offerors! Completing the Price/Cost section is now mandatory for everyone. It involves providing pricing data, direct labor rate ceilings, indirect cost rates, and a narrative basis of estimate. (For More Information See: RFP Section L.5.7)
  • Responsibility Section: Bid farewell to GSA 527 forms! Prime offerors are now required to furnish balance and income statements from the past three years (audited, if possible). No need to submit a GSA 527 form or tax returns. (For More Information See: RFP Section L.5.8.3)
  • P-3 Forms: A welcome change is the revised P-3 form released with Amendment 0001, featuring separate narrative justification sections for multiple domains. This simplifies describing how a project aligns with multiple domains. (For More Information See: Attachment J.P-3)
  • Past Performance Clarification: Qualifying Projects, relevant or not, must not have a negative record of Past Performance. The submission of a CPARS Report or Attachment J.P-6, Past Performance Rating Form, verifies compliance. However, Past Performance credits evaluated under M.6.6.2 will be credited only to relevant qualifying projects. (For More Information See: RFP Sections L.5.2.1, L.5.6, M.6.6)

With our guidance and up-to-date insights, you can be one step ahead in the race for OASIS+ success. Harness this incredible chance to provide flexible and innovative solutions to federal agencies. Stay engaged, stay informed, and prepare to seize the OASIS+ opportunity!

What tasks can you automate?

As described above, VisibleThread can save a huge amount of time getting to a compliance matrix. But that’s just a starting point. Our platform helps with multiple tasks during the bid lifecycle.

Here’s just a few examples: 

  1. Creating a Requirements Compliance Matrix or RTM (Requirements Traceability Matrix)
  2. Handling contract amendments – Comparing revisions, draft vs. final, etc.
  3. Acronym Checking
  4. Readability, scoring docs for single tone of voice, saving editing time
  5. Concept Tracking – e.g. Search across docs for risk etc.
  6. Discovery – e.g. Gap analysis across docs
  7. Responsibility Matrix – allocating who needs to review what content
  8. Excel Compare – Comparing Pricing workbook revisions, labor rates, etc.

To get a sense of the time savings you can expect, here’s our ROI calculator. See how more efficient you can be today.

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