Alliant 3

The General Services Administration (GSA) has initiated the procurement process for Alliant 3, the latest iteration of its Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) aimed at providing comprehensive IT services to federal agencies. This contract is set to build upon the successes of its predecessors, Alliant and Alliant 2, by introducing several notable enhancements.

Picture of Allison Ritz
Allison Ritz

Director of Product Marketing

Cover - Ready for Alliant 3 What You Need to Know About the $75 Billion Government IT Opportunity

Key Features of Alliant 3

  • No Maximum Ceiling: Unlike Alliant 2, which had a $50 billion ceiling later increased to $75 billion, Alliant 3 is designed without a maximum dollar ceiling. This change offers greater flexibility for federal agencies to procure IT services without the constraints of a predefined contract limit.
  • Emphasis on Emerging Technologies: Alliant 3 aims to encompass a broad spectrum of IT services, including cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and cloud computing. This focus ensures that federal agencies have access to the latest technological advancements to meet their evolving needs.
  • Open Season Opportunities: The contract includes provisions for open seasons, allowing new vendors to compete for inclusion in the contract at designated intervals. This approach promotes continuous competition and the infusion of fresh capabilities into the federal IT services market.

Procurement Timeline and Updates

The Request for Proposals (RFP) for Alliant 3 was initially released in June 2024. To accommodate thorough review and high-quality submissions, GSA extended the proposal deadline from October 28, 2024, to January 10, 2025. This extension allows vendors additional time to prepare their proposals and for GSA to address public inquiries effectively.

Strategic Objectives

Alliant 3 is part of GSA’s broader strategy to enhance its services marketplace by improving and expanding offerings that support services acquisition. Alongside Alliant 3, GSA is developing OASIS+, a contract program designed to meet agencies’ non-IT integrated service requirements. Both contracts share common goals:

  • Meeting federal agencies’ complex service requirements through highly qualified contractors and a streamlined buying experience.
  • Improving the selling experience by expanding access to best-in-class contracts for highly qualified contractors while increasing small business opportunities at both the master and subcontracting levels.
  • Reducing acquisition burdens for both government and industry.

Implications for Federal IT Procurement

The introduction of Alliant 3 signifies GSA’s commitment to providing flexible, comprehensive, and up-to-date IT service solutions for federal agencies. By removing the contract ceiling and emphasizing emerging technologies, GSA aims to facilitate more efficient procurement processes and ensure that federal agencies can access the necessary IT services to fulfill their missions effectively.

As the proposal deadline approaches, interested vendors are encouraged to review the RFP details and prepare their submissions accordingly. GSA’s proactive approach in extending deadlines and addressing public questions underscores its dedication to a transparent and inclusive procurement process.

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Full Shred of the Alliant 3 RFP
We wanted to save you time. We took the Alliant 3 RFP ( ID 47QTCB24R0009) and ran a shred/burst on the RFP using VT Docs. We shredded the doc fully sentence by sentence and highlighted key requirements.  

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